With so many shops working at reduced capacity or completely shut down, figuring out how to generate income to keep the doors open has required a lot of creative thinking.
With so many shops working at reduced capacity or completely shut down, figuring out how to generate income to keep the doors open has required a lot of creative thinking.
When Barrel Maker Printing, Buffalo Grove, Ill., lost 95% of its orders due to canceled events and business closings, Justin Moore, director of operations, knew he had to find a way to keep his business moving
ASI Show® announced free registration is open for the debut of “ASI Show At Home Presents: The Joe Show LIVE,” a weekly online version of the popular, long-running promotional products sourcing program, “The Joe Show.”
Workhorse Products recently redesigned its popular Flashback Shuttle Flash Cure Unit making the unit safer, more versatile and easier to adapt to your shop’s individual needs.
Brother International Corporation announces that it is donating up to 100 industrial sewing machines to support the efforts to manufacture Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to meet the growing demand.
EasyCut, The world’s leading developer of sign-making software programs, today announced global availability of EasyCut Pro 5.1.02, The 32-bit and 64-bit Vinyl Cutting software for Windows and macOS.
Ongoing events have dramatically altered the way people are conducting business around the world. The current market requires that companies evaluate their product and service offerings, the channels
Help spread the message of prevention and protection with COVID-19 themed buttons offered by NameBadges Intl. Whether reminding people to keep their distance or thanking those on the front lines, these circle
With the Center for Disease Control now recommending people wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain, NameBadges International, recently added MaskFast,
If your shop has an online designer and the ability to set up web stores, you have a way to help local businesses in your area set up fundraisers that can help keep them afloat during the pandemic.