With so many shops working at reduced capacity or completely shut down, figuring out how to generate income to keep the doors open has required a lot of creative thinking.
The #HereForGood (https://www.inksoft.com/parkway-printshop-here-for-good-online-fundraising-store/) movement was a great idea that effectively created work for many shops.
In a recent blog from InkSoft, another great idea is proposed: the Work-From-Home Kit. This consists of a care package of branded products that is sent to the employees of a company to foster a sense of community when people’s only interactions take place over the computer or phone.
Screen printers already have the capacity and technology to produce, sell, and ship these kits directly to businesses’ employees. In this informative article, you’ll learn how to pitch this package to your customer base, what type of products to include and what additional add-on services to offer.