It has always been our goal to make working with your laser faster and easier. With our new software, you’ll be able to design and manage your laser jobs in one seamless workflow.
From idea to finished product, Ruby has you covered every step of the way on both PC and Mac. Prepare the job remotely or locally and run the laser from the network — all from one user-friendly interface. You can also:
– Directly import files as pdf, ai, svg, jpg or png and optimize them automatically
– Create graphic and text elements
– Create, scale and rotate rotary jobs on the object Preview in 3D
– and perform many more tasks!
Ruby®: Makes working with your laser simpler and faster. Digital to the core.
What does every laser user need today and in the future? A laser software that makes your daily work with the laser run seamlessly. A simple and fast workflow from idea to product. A platform that guarantees profitable order processing. A setup which is connected, web-based and digital to the core. A user interface that delights. This is what Trotec Ruby stands for. Our vision: To re-define working with the laser and offer all laser users unprecedented added value.