Baseball season is about to begin and as a decorator, knowing how to decorate split-front baseball team jerseys is a must if you want to cater to the team market. In this STAHLS’ video titled “Get This Look: Split-Front
Baseball Jersey,” you will see how easy it is to line up a team name across a shirt that opens in the front.
While that may seem intimidating if you have never done it before, with Cadworx LIVE software and the techniques shown in this video, you will see it’s almost as simple as applying any other type of heat-sealed design.
CadworxLIVE allows you to choose split front as an option when you order precut team names, and it will automatically split it for you. So when your product comes, it’s ready to apply. Then, if you are doing a two-color word, this video shows you how to seal the top color to the background color before positioning it on the shirt.
In this step-by-step demonstration, you will see SimStitch®Perma-TWILL® material being used. It is laser cut with a simulated zig-zag stitch that is a great alternative to embroidery.
You can watch the video at http://bit.ly/split-front or download the pdf at http://bit.ly/pdf-split-front.