Ideal for any work environment, event or organization where you need members’ identities to be clearly communicated and defined.
Prestige Name Badges, from NameBadges International have no minimum order and no hidden fees for design or setup. You choose from a variety of sizes, border colors and attachment fittings.
All badges measure 2 15/16 inches long with four height options: ¾ inch, 1 inch, 1 3/16 inch and 1 3/8 inch. Included is full-color custom printing of artwork and logos. There are a wide range of background colors and fonts, and you choose between a pin or magnetic-back fastener. All badges have a scratch resistant and fade-proof epoxy coating ensuring lasting durability
Pricing is based on quantity. USPS shipping is offered at no charge or FedEx Overnight for an additional charge.
To view on the website, go to https://www.namebadgesinternational.us/products/prestige/ . To contact, call (800) 766-0448 or email to [email protected].
Name Badges International, Miami, Fla. offers a full line of identification products including metal, plastic, reusable, shaped, engraved, circle badges, and more. All badges are offered with full personalization and customization. Our diverse client base includes hospitality, retail, personal and professional services, public bodies, airlines, the financial sector, travel, in fact, just about any employee or customer interface.