It’s ideal for corporate occupations such as banking, real estate and the law.
For a professional-looking badge appropriate for upper-level managers and staff in authority, Name Badges International offers its Executive Name Badge.
Made of metal, this versatile name tag comes with a silver or gold metallic border with a magnetic fastener. You provide the text and logos for adding custom full-color printing. Choose from a wide range of color and font options.
Its scratch and fade-proof polyurethane coating helps keep it looking like new. The badges come in four standard sizes with no set-up or design fees. Pricing is based on quantity. USPS shipping is offered at no charge or FedEx Overnight for an additional charge.
To view on the website, go to https://www.namebadgesinternational.us/products/prestige/. To contact, call (800) 766-0448 or email to [email protected]. Name Badges International, Miami, Fla. offers a full line of identification products including metal, plastic, reusable, shaped, engraved, circle badges, and more. All badges are offered with full personalization and customization.