Smart Designer PRO for CorelDRAW 2020, add-on software for CorelDRAW 2018, 2019, and now 2020, is now available from Digital Art Solutions.
Smart Designer PRO for CorelDRAW 2020, add-on software for CorelDRAW 2018, 2019, and now 2020, is now available from Digital Art Solutions. Offered only as part of the Graphics+ Member Program, this release includes new technology, value-added features, and fresh new designs each month.
This new version has combined Smart Designer Pro with Rhinestone Designer making it easier to incorporate bling into any design. All the Digital Art Solutions graphics collections have been rebuilt. Fonts have been updated, and graphics are reorganized by subject matter and style making it easier to find just the right artwork.
A new browser has more powerful search capabilities that include templates and clipart. You can now search by style, keyword or category. These updates have made Smart Designer Pro compatible for the latest Windows updates and CorelDRAW versions.
To request a personal tour go to https://www.digitalartsolutions.com/smart-designer-pro-2/.
Live webinars discussing the new features and benefits will be held in June and July. To register, go to https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/4918242362161589518.