Condé Systems adds rustic edge hardboard magnets and coasters to its DyeTrans® family of sublimatable products. Made of Unisub hardboard, the gold standard for sublimation quality, the new 1/8″ hardboard shapes with attached magnets
(available in 2.37″x3.5″ rectangle and 3″ round) and the 1/4″ cork-backed coasters (available in 4″ square and 4″ round) feature an imprintable glossy white surface and irregularly shaped edges that mimic natural wood after it is cut.
“Our customers have been requesting home decor products that resemble the very popular furniture style known as ‘live edge’ or ‘natural edge’,” says David Gross, President of Condé Systems. “These new and exclusive hardboard magnet shapes and cork-backed coasters provide the desired rustic edge look while also adding beauty and dimension to imprinted designs.”