Santa-John’s View from the Bridge
by SJ John McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.
Breaking Past-Future News…February 25, 2025 – My Opinion
- The following is Santa’s-Helper-John’s opinions based on his View from the Bridge. These opinions are presented for your consideration. Opinions expressed here are for entertainment purposes only (disclaimer).
- The ego energy which last appeared on Earth as the dictator of Germany (AH) during the 2nd world war (WWII) is currently appearing in the role of VP, the current dictator of Russia.
- The ego energy which last appeared on Earth as the dictator of Italy (BAAM) during WWII is now appearing as the president of the USA, DJT. Map reference, the USA is somewhat north of the Gulf of Mexico.
- The ego energy which last appeared on Earth during WWII as Dr. Josef Mengele has reappeared on Earth as the muskrat. Mr. Musk-rat is currently bouncing around the planet causing chaos. Many are wishing he would simply bounce off the Earth and somehow get stranded on Mars.
- In my opinion, none of these three want-to-be kings of the World will succeed in their dreams of World domination.
- On the positive side, the ego energy which last appeared on Earth as the brilliant WWII General, George S Patton is now appearing in the role of the president of Ukraine. In this role he is building the strongest military force in Eastern Europe and will bring more military muscle to NATO.
- I have recently become aware that on February 28th, 2025, the planets will align and appear in the night sky as a single bright star.
- Some astrologers think this might be a reappearance of the star of David over the city of Bethlehem. Perhaps this event signals the second coming of the Christ consciousness – A state of awareness and enlightenment that some say is available to everyone.
- I have also become aware that March 14, 2025, may be quite significant for several reasons.
a. It’s the date of the full Lunar Eclipse which will be visible across North America, which of course includes the USA. According to some astrologers a lunar eclipse (Blood Moon) reveals hidden secrets and is directed toward revealing those secrets to the people. This contrasts with a solar eclipse which is directed towards leadership.
b. March 14, 2025, is the date of an upcoming woman’s march against the current T-Rump administration. I believe Felon 45 (F45) DJT will be playing golf in Mar-a-Logo trying to ignore the protests against him.
c. Numerologically 3,14,2025 reduces to an 8. In Numerology the number 8, among other things, is associated with Success, Balance, Abundance, and Karma. Finally, the “Lazy 8” i.e., the number of 8 on its side is the symbol for infinity/eternity.
d. Chapter 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution disqualifies any person or persons from holding office who have engaged in insurrection or treason.
e. In many people’s opinions, the twice impeached Felon 45 (F45) DJT was recruited by Russia and should have been disqualified from running the first time against Hillary. - The following day March 15 is considered to be the Ides of March. Ancient Roman history reveals that want-to-be kings, like Julius Caesar, should beware the Ides of March; stay tuned for further information.
- The final March date, which is significant, is the 29th. 15 days after the lunar eclipse a Solar eclipse will occur. Will we see changes in leadership?
- In my opinion, corrections will be in place by July 4, 2025, signaling a rebirth of democracy in the USA!
Welcome Back, Actor-Artists of the World!
Welcome to the New Year’s season. This is a time when many of us discover that the new physical object we’ve dreamed of, and have received from Santa, is not as fulfilling as we thought it might be.
Once again, we are pointed in the direction of people, family, friends and community. This is where real treasures lie.
In my opinion, Saint Nicholas challenges us to do what we can for those in need in whatever we are led to do. If you cannot donate time or money, please pray for those who are less fortunate. Oh, and don’t forget yourself in those prayers. Praying and believing are the most powerful tools in manifesting the future we all desire. In this way, we can all follow Saint Nick’s leadership.
In prayer I default to a prayer I learned from Tom T. Moore, “I request the most benevolent outcome for _____ “; fill in the blank. Try it for a parking space at the mall or elsewhere. It works.
Are you enjoying the play so far?
Allow me to explain how I view “Life on Earth”.
- You, me, and every other Human on the planet we call Mother Earth, is an invader from the Heaven Dimension. We are what some psychics refer to as Star-seeds.
- Mother operates a school called Earth. All the time we are incarnate on the Earth we are in school; from the day we are born till the day we die. Every day is a school day. What did you learn today? – yesterday? – last month? – last year? And, for those of us who can remember, what did you learn from your last life on Earth? Oh yes, you have been here before. Perhaps at a different time in history and a different location on the planet.
- Mother provides every living thing on Earth with the materials it needs to exist in the physical environment that each of us has chosen to experience prior to our birth on Earth.
- That said, you may enjoy all the Earthly toys while you’re here, but you can’t take those toys with you when you leave the planet (die). Just ask all those ancient Egyptian pharaohs whose tombs were looted by grave robbers. Not only do you lose your existing body, but all your Worldly titles and possessions are lost as well.
- The only thing we leave Earth with is our experiences. Earth is a school. All the time we are on Earth we are in school.
- While we are in school, we follow a script. We are in a school play. The script we follow, psychics refer to as the Akashic Record.
- Note: The concept of Earth being a stage where we are all performers was expressed by William Shakespeare. Look it up! I know it to be true.
- Ok, so if we are performers on this stage called Earth, then who are “WE”?
- We are Egos
- Santa’s Helper John (this author) has come to realize that “John” is the current surname for my Higher Self’s Ego. So, I am known as John in my current incarnation.
Does Ego have a purpose? If yes, what is that purpose?
- Purpose = Yes; Purpose = Learn through Experience and protect the host body from harm.
- Then to pass that learning along to the higher self which is connected through the Heart chakra.
- Each human on Earth has a direct connection with the divine, God, the one force – one source. Each human is what some theologians refer to as the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- I AM (Father God), John (Son), guided by the Holy Spirit (my Higher-Self, which some people refer to as the soul).
- Does my Higher-Self have assistance in keeping me on script? You bet; each of us is assigned guides and Birth Angels. Guides help us along our path and Angels keep us on the planet for our entire performance; be it for minutes, days, or years.
- After I leave the planet, will my actions be judged? Yes!
- It will be a self-review. I will judge my actions and how my actions or lack of action impacted those I’ve had contact with. In addition, how did I do in achieving the goals I set for myself this lifetime, before birth?
- Based on my personal evaluation and encouragement from others, I will plan my next life adventure on Mother Earth with a new set of lessons to learn. Remember, experience is the best teacher!
- Does Heaven exist? YES! It’s our home, where we reside. Watch the movie, What Dreams May Come. Ignore the Hell part of that movie.
- Then does Hell exist? YES! Every time you react in FEAR; you are in a “Hell” of your own creation.
- The two extreme forces in the Universe are Love and Fear. We are drawn towards Love and repelled by fear. Never fear what might be. You might prepare for the future, but you should NEVER fear the future. Your guides and angels will always help, when you ask and then listen.
The Future of Santa’s-Helper-John’s View from the Bridge
The last issue was the final regularly scheduled and sponsored monthly issue of View from the Bridge.
Once again, Santa’s Helper John and team would like to thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. And we would also like to thank our former sponsors for their support over the many years we’ve been able to bring you the news.
Moving Forward
Due to the lack of industry vendor support, the December 2024 issue was the final regular scheduled monthly issue of View from the Bridge.
Consider this issue as an inquiry as to whether you would like us to proceed with bringing you our guidance and experience, such as:
- Starting a new business. Guidance that would be helpful in selecting a service to offer. Understanding that every business provides a service to its customers.
- Hobby to business. Suggestions on creating a business from a hobby you enjoy.
- Selling your products. Are you selling via the internet from home? Do you need a workshop for producing your products? Can you offer retail from your workshop? Do you think you can wholesale your product(s)?
- Do you work part time or full time?
- What is your selling experience?
- Updating our teaching videos
- Updating our website.
- Making everything free, while relying on donations to continue our work.
With all of these considerations, we would like to continue providing our experience and services. It gives us old folks something to do. I, John, the writer, am on my 82nd lap around the sun. Most of my life I’ve been self-employed; I still am. I love living a little less restricted than living solely on social security income. That’s why I would like to continue. But only if you, our readers, feel we can provide a service. You readers, as entrepreneurs or planning to be, are valued as independent thinkers trying to provide a service to your family, friends, neighbors, and community. Our services are to help you continue to serve your community.
What we are planning is to provide a portal, such as GoFundMe, where we can receive donations to continue our work. If you choose to contribute, Thank You.
We will notify you when that is established.
Everything is a creation of the One-Force. So, if you love God’s creations, be sure to include yourself in that love.
Do not fear the future. It’s being handled by forces much more powerful than any of our latest, greatest weapons.
In Short
We know all things work for the good, even though we might not see the good at the time. We also know whatever we plant in this realm we will harvest. Plant corn seeds, harvest corn. Plant fear in others, harvest fear of others. Moral – plant and harvest Love.
For now…Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
For 2025 and beyond, we pray for peace.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.