2024-10: All Things Work for the Good

Santa-John’s View from the Bridge
by Santa-John McDaniel

The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.

Welcome Back, Actor-Artists of the World!

Welcome to our newsletter, View from the Bridge. Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in this document are Santa John’s opinions based on current events reported in the news and commented on by a number of reliable psychics. In our view a reliable psychic should have a record of prediction accuracy hovering around 95%.

In addition, I have been getting “hits” or “messages” from my guides. For example, when I ask about the upcoming election for President of the USA, I am assured that all things are under control and working for the good.

Messages from Santa John’s Guides – Review…

  1. Energies are coming into balance! For centuries Male dominant energies have prevailed over human existence on Earth. Currently there is a rise in Female energies. As we progress, over the next few years, Male and Female energies will come into balance. In the past, these energies have been in conflict. They will become cooperative.
  2. We are witnessing the transition from ME to WE. In other words, “Listen to ME! “I will tell you what to do!” is becoming “Grow Up, together WE will decide what is best for ALL, not just for YOU and your childish greed!
  3. These energies are coming into balance in family units as well as political entities. Kings and dictators will become a thing of the past.
  4. We will come to recognize the value of each human being, including ourselves and those around us. If the One-Force, One-Source, (God) created all, then he, she, created you and I. Value all creation including yourself.
  5. And rejoice in the reality that each of us is unique, a one of a kind among all of creation, wow! Just think how boring it would be if we were all the same.
  6. Above all – be at peace. Act when called upon. Vote! Know that all things work together for the good, even if we don’t see the good at the time.
  7. The earth is a school for manifestation. So, manifest the future you desire – either peace and tranquility or chaos? Your choice!

Messages from Santa John’s Guides – New…

  • Troy has Fallen – the Spartans have broken through the barriers that have suppressed us from having the courage to live up to the principles outlined in the USA constitution. There is no person above the law, not even the President of the United States.
  • Pray for the most benevolent outcome for the upcoming election in the United States and be sure to help manifest that outcome with your vote, actions, and prayers.
  • Fear Not – remember FDR’s words, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”
  • My guides often show me pictures when I ask them a question. When I ask about the “October Surprise” many psychics have mentioned without specifics, I am shown pictures from the movie “The Hunt for Red October”. From that hit, I have come to the realization that links from Russia attempting to influence our elections will be revealed. Heads will roll!

How is SHJ (Santa’s Helper John) doing?

As I reported the last several times, our service dog Charlie is no longer with us. His passing remains painful for both Holley and me. I also know Chacha misses her playmate.

What we pointed out last time is that we’ve received a number of blessings shortly after Charlie’s passing. This Included a message from Charlie and assurance that we were on the right path.

Shortly after receiving Charlie’s message, we moved out of that stressful, negative, living environment into a new, to us, apartment. We are loving it.

Now that we’ve settled in, it has become evident that Santa John can no longer postpone his heart-valve job.

For those who may not know, John was diagnosed with need of a valve job about 8 or 9 years ago. At that time his former life partner Judy was going through treatments for Cancer. Throughout that time John was Judy’s in-home care giver. Judy passed away in January of 2019.

Now it’s John’s turn to repair his body. The schedule is 7am on 10/23/2024 for the valve replacement. That should take about an hour and a half. After that, recovery and a hospital stay of 4 to 7 days. Then recovery at home.

Both Holley and I will attend a phone meeting with a nursing team about a week before the operation. That meeting will go over home-health-care procedures during the recovery time.

We will also receive instructions for a lung expansion device to be used after surgery. That will be in person a day before the operation.

It’s my intent to report on this procedure so anyone in the audience can be assured that current medical expertise is up to the task– and getting better.

Do I fear the outcome? NO! I know the most beneficial outcome will occur; it always does.


Everything is a creation of the One-Force. So, if you love God’s creations, be sure to include yourself in that love.

Do not fear the future. It’s being handled by forces much more powerful than any of our latest, greatest weapons.

During an election year, I ask any politician that asks for my vote, what’s in it for me and my friends struggling through this life. Why should we vote for you? What’s in it for us and the World we live in. Oh, and stop whining, just answer the questions!

For us, just get out the popcorn – watch the show – and vote! Be assured we are living in a Hallmark movie with a happy ending!

In Short

We know all things work for the good, even though we might not see the good at the time. We also know whatever we plant in this realm we will harvest. Plant corn seeds, harvest corn. Plant fear in others, harvest fear of others. Moral – plant and harvest Love.

For now…Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.

For 2024 and beyond, we pray for peace.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

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