The Santa John’s View from the Bridge – November 2020
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece that explores how societal changes can/will impact the future, especially as these changes apply to the Graphic-Products industry and small businesses in general.
As we approach the holiday season, I am reminded of All the things I am grateful for. My life, health, and especially my new wife and life partner, Holley.
When I consider our environment, I am certainly grateful for our home, vehicle, and other things we have the use of.
However, it’s the people who make everything work that I am most grateful for. You know, health-care workers, fire fighters, truck drivers who deliver the food, pick up the garbage, and deliver the mail; grocery-store workers, road repair crews, utility workers, etc., etc. Without their dedication and hard work our advanced society would collapse.
I am also grateful for scientists who have given us a much brighter future with their outstanding work on COVID-19 vaccines.
Most of all, I am profoundly grateful for people awakening to the fact that we are in this together. We are ONE!
All of that said, our hope and prayers are that all will be comforted as we transition through this period of disruption. Some have lost loved ones, businesses, jobs, income, worldly possessions, a place to live, and so on.
This holiday season, we pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding, for all.

21st Century Transporter…
As we mentioned before, we intend to downsize to a mobile apartment on wheels, pulled by an electric vehicle.
What we’ve discovered since last time is that the Tesla Model 3, properly equipped with a load-equalizing hitch can safely pull 8,000+ lbs. (For more info, search YouTube for Tesla Model 3 towing.)
We currently have a Tesla Model 3. We also have a reservation for a Tesla Model Y. Both vehicles are equipped with dual motors, an extended-range battery, and full self-driving.
With either of these vehicles we can pull a small mobile apartment home. Using a home on wheels, we plan to travel and report on how small businesses are transforming, post-pandemic.
In addition, with an 8,000+ lbs. towing capacity we can pull a mobile workshop for our small business. While working from home, we can offer deliveries, onsite sign-installations, pickup raw-materials, attend country fairs, etc., etc.
Why not a pickup truck? Currently there are no electric pickup trucks available. Why electric? Maintenance and fuel costs. Recently we traveled 2500+ miles, from Arizona to Oregon and back. Fuel cost = 0. Maintenance cost = 0.
Why Tesla? Autopilot!
For the foreseeable future, Tesla has a huge lead in automotive and self-driving technology. We purchased full self-driving with our Model 3 and ordered it for the Model Y. Either vehicle will be capable of self-driving once the software is complete (estimate early 2021) and regulatory approval is obtained for self-driving vehicles.
Currently, the Model 3 has Autopilot, which is amazing. Autopilot will assume control on entering a freeway, it will drive to the destination exit, then exit the freeway, and return control to the driver. Once full self-driving is approved, it may become possible to send vehicles, unmanned, for simple deliveries.
New ACDRP Membership Program – In Process.
Increasingly, the education and training function is being fulfilled by equipment and software manufacturers and distributors. So, we will be focusing on information for starting and growing a small business. To assist in that endeavor, we will be opening all our past issues and training videos to members. And membership will only require registration. More on this in the near future.
On the Road Again…
Sales, Sales, Sales, requires Marketing, Marketing, Marketing. As we’ve mentioned before, over the next few months, we intend to downsize to a mobile tiny home. Something we can tow with an electric vehicle.
Our goal is to travel and report on the post-pandemic entrepreneur economy. We intend to visit businesses, swap meets, manufacturers, and distributors; and then report back to our readers. Stay tuned.
Click Here to see one person’s solar-powered 5th wheel. Perhaps this will become a roving reporter’s retreat.
Home/Business Opportunity for Sale
As a part of downsizing, we are placing our home/business up for sale. We purchased a single-story 2418 square foot house in Buckeye, Arizona, in 2010. We planned to setup a workshop in the garage and market products we produced via the Internet. We also set the garage up to be used as a classroom or Man/Woman cave. The garage is prepped for AC.
So, the garage adds 600 square feet of flex space. Space that can be used as a workshop, a classroom, a playroom, or a garage.
To this end, we carpeted and insulated the 600 sq ft garage. We added storage above the garage. Added insulation to the house. Installed 42 solar panels (owned, NOT rented). Our total electric bill for the last 8 years has been almost zero. Our electric deal with the electric company is grandfathered in and transferable to the new owner. Add battery storage to the system, and you may be able to go off grid.
Our solar panels face due south which provides maximum solar exposure. The DC to AC inverters are mounted out of the sun in the garage
We also added 20 amp, 30- and 50-amp circuits to the garage, along with an outside RV/electric vehicle plug. All electric work was permitted and approved.
Demo Equipment for Sale
Over the years we have accumulated some demo equipment we intend to liquidate. We had a 25-watt laser, that’s gone. We have a couple of sandblast cabinets, some heat-press equipment, a vacuum-table exposure unit, and a couple of air filters for laser engravers.
If you would like more information on the demo equipment or home/business property, please let me know. Simply email any questions to [email protected].
In Short
Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
As we’ve said before, working from home may become the norm. Commuting to an office, not so much or so often. (great for reducing air pollution, not so great for oil producers and gas stations.)
The economic transformations COVID-19 has initiated will last long after the dis-ease is brought into balance (i.e., suppressed). We consider ourselves blessed to be here to witness and help in this transformation.
These changes will favor small businesses that work from home.