Santa John’s View from the Bridge – April 2021
by Santa John McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece that explores how societal changes can/will impact the future, especially as these changes apply to the Graphic-Products industry and small businesses in general.
On the COVID-pandemic front – about 1/3 of the US population is fully vaccinated. Vaccination is available to most adults; it appears we are making progress.
On the economic front, there is more help for small businesses. People are getting vaccinated and venturing out more; which is boosting economic recovery.
On a personal note, Holley and I sold our house. As of this writing, we have a little more than three weeks; and then we are headed North to Oregon.
Looking Ahead
As we emerge from this pandemic, we are prompted to assess the economic changes we have all experienced and observed.
COVID-19 lockdowns have accelerated online shopping; many businesses have discovered some, if not all, of their employees can work from home. If you have a store in a mall, you may have already closed your doors. Malls and commercial office space are currently depressed.
Future Trends
Last time we listed several trends we see coming post-COVID. One that we missed listing is vaccination itself. Businesses will increasingly require patrons to be vaccinated. Airlines may be the first, but won’t be the last.
Management, and workers, may demand vaccination for employment. Hospitals and schools are launching these efforts.
Bottom Line – those who are not vaccinated will become isolated.
This time:
Working from Home will increase. Fewer people will travel back and forth to an office.
This is a trend that started well before COVID. Judy & I started working from home in 1973-74. I had an office that was established in 1972, but I was on the road constantly. So, the only people that visited me in my office were cleaning staff; when I was in town.
Over the years, even when we had a physical retail location, we always used our home as an office. In 2009 we divided our business with our son and moved part of it to Arizona. We were in the process of setting up our home for teaching; product production; and testing new equipment and processes, when Judy became ill.
“Living above the Store” is something Judy did most of our married life. It allowed us to work together toward common goals. It brought us much joy!
Beyond that, there are a number of financial benefits of having a home-office, even if you have a physical location. Check with your tax advisor.
Future Articles:
Working from Home will increase. Fewer people will travel back and forth to an office.- Entrepreneurship will increase. More people will have the opportunity to become self-employed.
- A basic minimum income for all will be enacted. Think Social Security for all.
- Universal healthcare will come. Think Medicare for all.
- Social Security and Medicare for all will stimulate the economy.
Small businesses won’t have to compete with large companies who provide health insurance. And, no one will need to work for starvation wages. - Linux and Unix operating systems (Android and Chrome) will come to dominate home computers. Windows and I/OS will become niche operating systems.
- Having some web-presence will become a business necessity.
- Some businesses in the Graphic Products industry will become fulfillment centers. They receive orders from the web, produce product in-house, and ship it to the customer. No contact.
- As we have mentioned before, transportation is going electric. Tesla is introducing the Model 2 sometime next year. Its rumored price is $25k. Every major car maker is planning electric vehicles. Who needs gas, oil changes, tune-ups, etc., etc.?
- Electric generation will become local. You’ll see it in your home, your subdivision, your city, your building, etc. Solar panels and batteries eliminate the need for high-powered transmission lines and transformers. The landscape will be much nicer once all those ugly power lines are removed for scrap metal.
We will cover these trends, and how they will impact our industry in future articles. Next time: Entrepreneurship will increase.
As we look to the future. It is important that we answer a couple of questions.
- Is my interest in creating personalized products for Fun or Profit?
- What do I do, or does my business do? Are you an Artist or Commercial Artist?
- Who are my competitors?
In Short
Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
As we’ve said before, working from home may become the norm. Commuting to an office, not so much or so often. (great for reducing air pollution, not so great for oil producers and gas stations.)
The economic transformations COVID-19 has initiated will last long after the dis-ease is brought into balance (i.e., suppressed). These changes will favor small businesses that work from home.