2023-12: Love, Peace, and a Vision of What’s to Come

 by SJ McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an OPINION PIECE which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future. 

As we mentioned last time, “Christmas IS The Reason for the Season” that we are entering. So, for SJ, it’s the prayer “I request the most benevolent outcome for Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All, growing Worldwide this Christmas season and beyond! Thank You”  

OK, so much for Mr. Nice Guy! When we ask the question of the Universe, “What’s taking so long to clean things up?” We get the answer “TOUGH LOVE being demonstrated for All to See. Keep in mind, if you are on Earth, you are in a school play. Universe Out.”  

The Forward View from the Bridge: 

Please keep in mind that what is expressed below is a compilation of inputs from various sources and are presented for your consideration. Some would say “the following is for entertainment purposes only!” Others might say “If you don’t like the prediction, call 1-800-Spirit-Guides, and press 1 for complaints”. SJ recommends unemotional meditation to consider the possibility.  

What is Seen Ahead:  

Victory for Love!  

God is Love! – and He / She is in control. Need I say more? We are living in a Love story. Think Hallmark channel. We all transition off Earth greeted and surrounded by Love!  

A small part of my story so far. I’ve lived 80 years on Earth, this lifetime. Looking back, I can see how each event along the way has brought me closer into balance. A balance one might see as tolerance of other people’s paths and self-expressions. 

Spread of Democracy Worldwide! 

We are currently witnessing the end of the battle between “Top Down vs. We the People control”. Have no fear, balance is coming. 

Communication and Corporate-Greed are impacting dictatorships around the globe. At one time, you could find Russian citizens posting videos on YouTube showing Christmas mall activity before and after Russia invaded one of their neighbors. Before = Happy … After = Sad. Many of the mall-stores were boarded up. War is not profitable for retail businesses.  

In addition, it has become common knowledge that the women of Russia are becoming very angry with Russian leadership for the deaths of their husbands and children…so many war casualties…sad! 

Beware the wrath of women! We will witness some of that wrath in the 2024 US elections. Democracy will be strengthened.  

Equality, Tolerance, & Respect  

Between the sexes…We’ve seen young couples who share responsibility for raising their children. We met one young family who traveled throughout the US during the pandemic. She is a nurse. He is an at home dad. 

Between races…racism is a distraction tool used by the super wealthy to distract from their greed. The wealthy would say, “Your problem is this other group of people (not us greedy rich folk who don’t want to share).” Currently, the greedy rich folks and corporations also buy politicians, Supreme Court justices, etc.  

Once we come to realize that we are equal, under law, the greedy will begin to pay their fair share. By that time, many of the wealthy will have come to realize that real satisfaction comes from being of service to others. Many will dedicate their wealth to help others less fortunate. 

Between religious practices…how we choose to connect with the spiritual realm in most cases depends on the culture we were raised in and our parent’s religious practices. 

Marcus Aurelius (one of the many good Roman Emperors) has been credited with saying “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the Truth.”  

  1.  If we understand that what some minister is professing from the pulpit is his or her opinion.  
  2. Then we measure that minister’s opinion against what we conceive a perfect loving father would do.  
  3.  If the opinion in question leads to a loving outcome or in a loving direction, it may be valid. Otherwise probably not. 

If you need to force your beliefs on others, then you must have doubts and require group support for your beliefs. 

The end of physical violence as a solution to anything. 

I don’t think it’s a stretch of the imagination, that worldwide most people are appalled by images of war, death, and destruction coming out of the war zones. The suffering of the innocent! Unacceptable! 

What some see is an end of the war in Ukraine this coming spring, and the fighting in Gaza to be sporadic and end later in 2024. For more info, look up psychic mediums on YouTube. 

As a final point on this subject, I draw your attention to the strong female energy rising in the US and around the world. By and large this energy is focused on negotiations not physical conflict. Everyone is fed up with losing family and children to some a-hole’s dream of conquering the known world.   

The Revelation that we are not alone in the Universe! 

The existence of extra-terrestrial beings will become apparent within the next few years. They are here to offer assistance, but not to interfere with human development. In time, the Earth will unify and join the Galactic Federation. P.S., the ETs have been here for centuries helping humanity. Stay Tuned. 

In Short 

We know all things work for the good, even though we might not see the good at the time. We also know whatever we plant in this realm we will harvest. Plant corn seeds, harvest corn. Plant fear in others, harvest fear of others. Moral – plant and harvest Love. 

Next time – Be There – we will discuss our experiences driving and towing with an electric vehicle vs a gas vehicle. We completed our Ohio trip to visit family. Since returning home, we have been so busy I have not had an opportunity to compile costs.  

Our first trip from Oregon to Ohio was last year with a 2020 Tesla model 3. This time with a 2001 Toyota 4Runner Limited. Both times pulling the same trailer. So, electric vs gas, Next Time – Be There!  

For now…Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you. 

For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace. 

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace. 

For this holiday season…pray for peace…don’t worry…be happy…and KNOW that LOVE is at work and in charge! See you next year.  

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