2023-09: Peace, Goodwill, Tough Love, and the Holodeck

Santa-John’s View from the Bridge – September 2023
by Santa-John McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.

Manifesting the Future:

As we mentioned last time, “Christmas IS The Reason for the Season” that we are entering. So, for SJ it’s the prayer “I request the most benevolent outcome for Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All, growing World-Wide this Christmas season and beyond! Thank You”

OK, so much for Mr. Nice Guy! When we ask the question of the Universe, “What’s taking so long to clean things up?” We get the answer – “TOUGH LOVE being demonstrated for All to See. Keep in mind, if you are on Earth, you are in a school play. Universe Out.”

The Forward View from the Bridge:

Please keep in mind that what is expressed below is a compilation of inputs from various sources and are presented for your consideration.

What is Seen Ahead for the USA:

Weather – More severe weather coming worldwide. We covered some of that last time. For now – keep alert to your local weather and stay prepared. Some say, “Hide from wind, and Run from fire and water!”

Political Opinions – we all have one, don’t we? That said, keep in mind a couple of concepts:

  • Earth is a fantastic stage…allow me, Santa John, to paraphrase William Shakespeare:
  • “The Earth is a fantastic Stage which allows us to learn and grow.” We have come to realize the Earth is an Ever-Changing Artwork – Go Gaea! When the storms have passed, take time to sit in Nature and enjoy the peace that surrounds us all. Our environment is precious! Let’s clean it up for the existing and coming generations. We have the power.
  • “In order to come onto this stage, we must be born as an infant.”
  • “We leave the stage on the death of the mortal body.” The only thing we take with us is our experiences.
  • Interesting Side Note – the original 300 Warriors of the Light have a motto – While in physical conflict, i.e., War, “Do Not Die for your belief or country; make the other poor bastard die for his belief or country!” General George S. Patton reminds us of that saying.
  • By the way, Erwin Rommel was the only one in Hitler’s inner circle that saw the end coming. His reward, he was allowed to commit suicide. Rommel was not successful in his attempt to end the war. Therefore, we can assume we had more to learn from that conflict. The lessons just keep coming.
  • F.D.R. brought it home during WWII. “We have nothing to fear, except fear itself!”. What that means is – what you focus on is what you will manifest.
  • For now, keep in mind we are in a universe of Love and have been given the privilege of participating on this playground called Earth for a lifetime, however long or short that lifetime might be. I am grateful for all the wonderful lifetimes I’ve had on Earth.

I know all things work for the good, even though I might not see the good at the time. I also know whatever I plant in this realm I will harvest. Plant corn seeds, harvest corn. Plant fear in others, harvest fear of others. Moral – plant and harvest Love.

Another description of an Earth lifetime is that it’s like stepping onto the Holodeck of a starship as described in in the television and movie series Star Trek. We are born onto the Holodeck and exit on our avatar’s death.

Know, at your core, you are an energy being. Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. So, happy transformation all!

Next time – we will discuss our experiences driving and towing with an electric vehicle. We have just completed our second trip from Oregon to Ohio to visit family. First time with a 2020 Tesla model 3 and this time with a 2001 Toyota 4Runner Ultimate.

In Short

Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.

For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

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