Santa-John’s View from the Bridge – August 2023
by SJ McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.
The View Ahead:
- ACDRP is Expanding: We are…
Moving to YouTube
Making our HOW-TO videos available at no charge.
Republishing articles from our archives that are relevant Today. - Adding new content.
How to videos
Product Reviews
Much of this we see manifesting over the next few months. Please stay tuned.
Manifesting the Future:
Speaking of manifesting, “Christmas IS The Reason for the Season” that we are entering. Manufacturers and retailers from around the world are vying for our attention. There is an ocean of plastic pellets, standing at attention, awaiting our orders. That is, before all that plastic becomes landfill.
And let’s not leave out those who think weapons of death, destruction, and war are appropriate gifts to give in celebration of the birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace! How sad.
At this point SJ could go into a lengthy lecture on how the Human Ego is blinding many to reality. Suffice it to say our human egos are focused on (1) the survival and comfort of the body and (2) survival of the species.
Then when fear of the other reduces one’s concept of species it becomes acceptable to kill or enslave the “Others”. In other words, for some – only – (fill in the name the race, religion, or skin color) – are part of the chosen ones. All the rest are cannon fodder.
Does anyone recall how “Christ-like” the Europeans treated indigenes communities they encountered as they raped and looted the world for their kings, queens, and Rome, in the name of the Prince of Peace?
Rather than lecture, we’ll explore a couple of manifestation stories:
Representative photo, not our exact vehicles.
- SJ & GEM aka Holley manifest vehicles.
Many readers have followed SJ’s articles for some time. Some are aware that SJ’s life partner for 56 years, Judy, transitioned in January of 2019 to what some call Heaven. (There is no death or hell. God doesn’t make junk, despite what the church says.)
Toward the end of 2022 (SJ & H), We had a 5th wheel to live in and a beast of a truck as our only transportation. Beast, our super duty F350, was necessary for us to move the 5th wheel. Beast is expensive to fuel and maintain.
Background: We longed for the days when we had two electric vehicles. No fuel and little or no maintenance. We drove our Tesla Model 3 close to 50K miles. In addition, with our T3 we towed our little 5k lb. trailer from Oregon to Ohio and back.
In all that traveling, we experienced $0 in fuel costs and only one service call, also $0. Since we had solar at home at the time. In short, we started shopping for a small used electric vehicle, even an electric bike.
Our son convinced me that wasn’t a good choice since I fell off his electric bike a couple of times. Thankfully there was no traffic at the times I went down.
Our efforts resulted in disappointment. So, we decided to follow the advice of one of the psychics we’ve discovered on YouTube – Tom T. Moore Tom teaches a simple prayer – “I request the most benevolent outcome to ___” (fill in the blank), and then trust and release it. In other words, give it up, and let it happen. Most of us have trouble giving it up. We seem to not trust that the best will happen.
Once we chose to fill in the blank with “a small affordable vehicle” we found GEM, our little fuel-efficient HHR.
2. Our next “manifesting a vehicle” experience came a few months ago when we decided we no longer needed Beast to move our 5th wheel home. Our 5th wheel home is currently in a long-term site. Therefore, we only need something that could handle towing our little 5k lb. travel trailer and our 3.5k lb. cargo trailer.
Our first choice was a Ford F150 Lightning. Found out not enough charging infrastructure to make this a viable choice. Next was the Tesla model 5. T5 has a 350-mile range and a 5K trailer towing capacity that is built in. Neither of these options materialized for us.
2001 Toyota Limited 4Runner
Representative Photo, not our exact vehicle
We went back to the prayer and received T-Beast. Our 2001 Toyota Limited 4Runner. Not only can T-Beast meet our needs, but we were also able to trade our equity in Beast for T-Beast which eliminated our $900 monthly cost for Beast, along with a $4200 refund on the extended warranty we purchased for Beast, and lastly a reduction in vehicle insurance costs. Seems the Universe delivered what we needed, not what we first wanted.
Both vehicles we received are top of the line. They have all the bells and whistles of luxury vehicles of their day, power everything.
Oh, in case you’re wondering, the Universe has told me to look for my electric self-driving truck around Christmas 2025. Yea!
Moral of the Story: Trust that God, the one force, loves you and me, and only wants the best for all of us.
The Forward View from the Bridge:
Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed below are a compilation of inputs from a number of sources. (Santa John) SJ collects reports from various news and psychic sources. We have replaced that old method of news distribution via teletype with the Internet. So, come in from the chaos we are currently experiencing. The future is brilliant. Watch it flow. Interact when prompted. And Fear not!
What is Seen Ahead for the USA:
- Weather – More severe weather coming worldwide. We covered that last time. For now – keep alert to your local weather and stay prepared – be mindful of weather in your area.
- Political Opinion – We are at the dawning of a new Age, the Age of Aquarius.
Message channeled from K-8th (King Henry the 8th} “How can I put this gently? Just like constipation caused by some drugs, Uncle Sam is on the pot expelling some turds. (Names withheld to protect the guilty from further shame.) Normal bowel function will begin to return later this year and return to normal during 2024-25. In other words, let’s all watch the DOJ+JakLax in action. The pipes are now clear! Commence flushing”. K-8th Out!
Notice– for anyone who doesn’t like K-8th’s comments, please dial 1-800-spirit-guides and press 1 for complaints! - SJ-Summary: “Currently we are experiencing considerable turbulence in the political arena. Understand that those who would impose their will on others, will be shown the exit door and any restrictions they’ve imposed will be reversed. Much will be completed by next spring. Full reversals will be completed by the next administration.”
- Remember to cast your vote for candidates who represent your values. Judy always told me “You can’t complain if you didn’t vote”! Please vote your conscience. Then you can complain if you choose to.
In Short
Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.
Thank you, see you next time.