Santa-John’s View from the Bridge – July 2023
by SJ McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.
Happy 247th Birthday USA – The Land of Milk and Honey!
Around the 4th we had the privilege of listening to a lecture on border issues and why people are “Coming to America!”. The person giving the lecture has had experience sponsoring people coming to live in the USA.
The bottom line – the USA has become a beacon of freedom, opportunity, and abundance for the people of the world.
Communication and the Internet have revealed the abundance that freedom provides. Happily, the USA is also a real pain in the assets for dictators worldwide. As people come to realize they have the power and that physical violence never solves anything, i.e., war is useless, then dictators and kings will fade into history.
The lecturer compared our big-box stores like Costco to beehives full of milk and honey. And just like bees we buzz around these places collecting our honey, i.e., stuff we want and think we need.
The speaker also revealed that new immigrants are often overwhelmed when they first see all of the available product choices and varieties at the local market. Things we take for granted!
What this lecture revealed is how blessed I am to be living in the free world our forefathers fought to bring us. Thank you. It is now my responsibility to play it forward for our sons, daughters, and the world.
If you would care to listen to the entire lecture, it’s titled “LAND OF MILK AND HONEY” and is available at
The View Ahead:
- ACDRP is Expanding: We are…
a. Moving to YouTube
b. Making our HOW-TO videos available at no charge.
c. Republishing articles from our archives that are relevant Today. - Adding new content.
a. How to videos
b. Product Reviews
The Forward View from the Bridge:
Please keep in mind what is presented below is gathered from many sources and presented for entertainment purposes only!
What is Seen Ahead for the USA:
- Weather – More severe weather coming worldwide.
A. Currently the water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico and around Florida are hovering ln the high 90-degree range. That’s hot-tub temps, perfect for birthing super storms. For more information and warnings one commentator to follow is Ryan Hall, Y’all at
B. Many psychics are predicting how global warming is impacting and creating weather events. One psychic of note is Linda G the Comanche Psychic. She recently posted a video on the next 8 months of severe weather. You can access her videos at Https:// Linda is also excellent on political subjects as well.
C. The bottom line is heavy weather is coming, no matter where you live. Stay alert and informed. Also, keep in mind, sea levels are rising. - Political Opinion – We are at the dawning of a new Age, the Age of Aquarius.
Stay tuned – More on political/religious history, entanglements, and forecasts, next time.
For now, we recommend that wherever you live, stay tuned to your local weather and, “Be Prepared!” Some of us will lose homes, business buildings, and be devastated economically by the coming weather events. What we hope to prevent is the loss of life.
As these events unfold, all of us will be called on to help those affected in any way that we can. Pray and lend a hand if you can.
In Short
Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.
Thank you, see you next time.