2023-06: Fathers and the View Ahead for the USA

Santa-John’s View from the Bridge – June 2023
by SJ McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.

Thank you – Fathers of the World!

“The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” Truth is that men have a choice of being sperm donors and walking away (Shame on you!), or being fathers, and helping to create and raise a loving family.

The View Ahead:

  1. ACDRP is Expanding: We are…
    1. Moving to YouTube
    1. Making our HOW-TO videos available at no charge.
    1. Republishing articles from our archives that are relevant today.

What We See Ahead for the USA:

  • “Thou shall have no other Gods before Me!” That’s a rough quote of the 1st of 10 commandments in the Judaic-Christian Bible. Since God=Love we will witness a transition away from Money-Money as our God!
  • In the political arena – Observe and Learn without Emotional Engagement – is what we suggested last time. To that end, it helps to remember the words of Shakespeare in that “All the World is a stage…,” and we are all actors playing our parts on that stage. This realization gives one a zoomed-out audience-view. So…
    • Grab the popcorn.Cheer on the and vote for the good guys and galsBoo and vote against the villains – “Snidely Whiplash” and his minions.Ignore the noise, i.e., do not get emotionally involved with current events.Always keep in mind – This too will pass.
  • In the business arena – in the past, there have been a number of benefits to working for a large corporation. Most major corporations provide healthcare, retirement, and other perks to their employees. For some, that has created a barrier to self-employment.
  • In the coming years the following policy implementations will make it easier for entrepreneurs to start and run a small business.
    • Basic Minimum Income – Social Security, introduced by FDR, will be expanded to include a basic minimum income for all. There is no freedom — unless you have economic freedom! Providing for your family while starting a new business or going through a business transition will be much easier if you have a basic minimum income. Where will that money come from? Think balancing income disparity. (After the 2nd World War, the maximum income tax bracket was 90%.)

    • Housing for All – homelessness will end, except for those who choose the life of a wanderer. As a result, those that are mentally challenged, for whatever reason, will find suitable housing. And, those who are physically able, will enter the workforce. What address do you put on an employment application if you are living on the street? Where do you go for a shower for your interview? Housing for all will remove these barriers.

    • Healthcare for All! – we will witness a transition from the For-Profit-Healthcare-system we are all subjects of, to one that provides Universal Healthcare!

In Short

Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.

For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

Thank you, see you next time.

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