Santa-John’s View from the Bridge
by SJ McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.
Spring has Sprung – April Showers bring May Flowers.
It is the resurrection of life in the Northern Hemisphere.
Have you ever noticed that life goes on, irrespective of what we humans do? Life is always becoming, i.e., transforming moment by moment. An acorn becomes a tree, becomes a home for birds and squirrels, eventually dies (transcends). The tree’s body becomes firewood, and/or a home for other life forms. The tree may even become fertilizer for another acorn. The beat goes on!
As for SJ, every moment my avatar and I are changing. As my body ages, I’m becoming a little wiser. Doctors tell us that every moment cells in a healthy human body are both dying and being born.
Some psychics say, “Where there’s energy, there’s life”. They see the “I AM” referred to in Genesis as intelligent-Love-energy that plants the seeds of life wherever possible. The life-energy within those seeds then grows and adapts to the available environment. Once established life adapts/evolves as the environment changes, time permitting.
In our solar system, the sun radiates heat, light, and other energies that we as humans don’t see, but react to; UV, for example. In the deep ocean there are lava vents where the heat and water pressure would kill any living thing from the surface; yet life exists there. Some scientists have traced dinosaur DNA to modern chickens. Food for thought.
The View Ahead – Fear Not!
FDR’s famous statement, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” is a universal truth. Whatever I focus my attention on, I will manifest into MY experience. That works for negative or positive events.
I have come to realize that GEM and I are exactly where we manifested, where we would like to be at this time. We use the following: “I request the most benevolent outcome for (fill in the blank), thank you”. We learned that from the author of The Gentle Way, Tom T. Moore. Tom recommends you speak your request aloud, make it specific, and then release it to the Universe. Try it, you may find it helpful.
What is your interest in the Graphic-Products Industry?
In today’s world, artwork for most graphic products begins life as computer art. Some artists create and sell computer art for use on the web. Some create and sell physical products using their artwork, think t-shirts, mugs, awards, etc. Others create graphic products as a hobby or to help organizations to which they may belong.
Oh, and by the way, we are all artists living on a beautiful, living, breathing, continually-transforming-by seasons, piece of galactic art we know as Earth. What a great privilege!
I wonder, is this heaven? What would heaven be for you? Remember, heaven is forever; don’t pick something boring. More on this next time.
Manifesting – Creating – Your Future Life, Income Stream, and possibly a Business
You Have the POWER to Manifest anything! Last time we listed some things to consider. Here is another very important reality…
- Everything has a life-cycle – just to name a few – payphones – buggy whips; ideas like the Earth is the center of the Universe because of man’s importance. So be careful not to invest in something like the old multi-marketing scams. Be careful of flash-in-the-pans. We are coming into a time where deals may even be better tomorrow. Buying on impulse can make you poor.
- Don’t worry, be happy. All things work together for the good, even if we don’t see it at the time. Remember we always reap what we sow. Sow fear, reap fear. Sow love, reap love.
We will add more next time.
In Short
Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.
Thank you, see you next time.