2023-03: How the Roman Empire Influences Us Today

Santa-John’s View from the Bridge – February – March 2023
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.

Saying Hello to 2023

What was that flashing by? Was it a bird, a plane, Super-Man? No, it was the month of January. Then, along came February 2nd and Punxsutawney Phil. That psychic rodent let all of us know winter wasn’t done with us yet. So, it’s time to pray for and help our neighbors.  if only to send them healing love and light.

Welcome to the new year. Hold on, it will be December before you know it.

As we experience these volatile times, it helps to always keep in mind, for both the pleasant and unpleasant experiences we encounter along life’s journey, “This too will pass”.

A Little of SJ’s life experiences. I went into a little of my personal background last time. Suffice it to say I am a systems analyst. I have been trained to see workflows. In other words, energy flows that result in producing some product or service. So last issue we proposed the question –

Is the USA the latest version of the Roman Empire?

The answer may be a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. Historians date the formation of the Empire to have been some time around 460 BC, and its fall about a thousand years later.

Understand those times were brutal. If you and your community were farmers, men on horses with swords might show up at any time, usually around harvest, and take what they wanted. Or perhaps they might move in, kill the men, and keep the women and children as servant slaves.

Not quite the suburban life we’ve come to know. By the way, many native American tribes expanded their territories in the same manner.  Defeat a neighboring tribe, kill the men, and then absorb the women and children into your tribe.

If we are to believe the legend that the brothers Romulus and Remus formed the original alliance which grew into the Roman Empire, then we might assume the farmers hired the Spartans to protect them.

Even though “assume” usually makes an ASS out of U and ME, there is no denying that Rome fielded the most potent military force of the time. Resistance was futile. Back then, resisting Rome resulted in death or enslavement.

Originally Rome was a republic. There was a senate. Roman citizens (men) could vote. That all went in the toilet about 60 BC when the fascist leader of the military abolished the senate. Ultimately the fascist dictatorship of Rome led to the collapse of Rome. Some historians date the collapse as September 4, 476 AD.

That date is when the Germanic leader Odoacer deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus. From that date forward no emperor ever ruled from Rome as a political leader.

Adolf Hitler considered the Roman Empire as the 1st Reich (Empire), Odoacer’s rise to power as the 2nd, and the Nazi Empire he was building as the 3rd. In his future dreams, the World would be ruled by fascist dictators. What Hitler didn’t realize is that the Roman Empire simply transformed from controlling via fear to controlling via belief.

The Roman Empire morphed into the Holy Roman Church. And, as far as we know, the Vatican is still under the control of the Holy Roman Church. The Pope is still viewed as a spiritual leader by millions.  And, when one considers all the Catholic/Christian schools, churches, monasteries, and other facilities that exist around the globe, you come to realize that the Roman Empire is still around.

As far as the political world is concerned, once people realize that cooperation is much more productive than war, war will end. Suppress or enslave someone, they will rebel and become your enemy. Help someone, they will become your friend and ally.

The Rise of We the People

The movement of “We the People” vs. “I’ll tell you what to do; i.e., Democracy vs. Fascism may have begun with citizens voting during the Roman republic. After Rome became fascist around 60 BC, the Republic moved to England via Arthur, who became king, and the knights of the round table. From England “We the People” moved to the USA.

During the 2nd World War, the USA aided our friends. At the end of that war, we made friends out of enemies. Then, out of that war grew NATO, which now helps secure democratic governments around the world. Bottom line – the USA and the communication technology it brings to the World via the internet will unite people in the pursuit of freedom.

Has anyone heard of a retired dictators club? Perhaps they meet and commiserate on the other side of life? Most are retired by violence and the rest are paranoid as a result. What some fail to realize is that the seeds you plant come back as your harvest. Sow fear, harvest fear. Sow love, harvest love.


Rome had the most powerful military at the time. Today the USA has the most powerful weapons and military. Rome attempted to conquer the world and install a republic by force. The USA is helping others overcome repressive governments. We expose people to the truth and give them the tools to overcome their oppressors.

Notice to World Leaders and all the people on earth – “We the People” are like the Borg in Star Trek – “Resistance is Futile”. Come into balance and be released into Freedom — or exit stage right! Your choice.

By the way, some legal scholars see current USA law as having roots in Roman law.

View from the Bridge is moving.

View from the Bridge is moving to https://www.youTube.com/@ACDRP along with many older CorelDRAW instruction videos. Many of those videos show graphic-product creation. The Newsletter will continue. We are expanding content and hope to make it easily searchable. @ACDRP is currently under construction. It’s active. You can check our progress and register for notifications of new content being added.

The View Ahead

The political circus that we’ve experienced over the last few years is packing up and leaving town. Some of the performers have been jailed already, others will join them in prison this coming year. Indictments, arrests, and trials are coming this spring (2023) along with spring’s flowers.

“We the People” control will expand throughout the World. The Russian and Iranian peoples will receive the gift of democracy. Ukrainian peoples will retain their freedom and self-determination.

Worldwide we are in a transition from authoritarian to democratic governance. Resistance is Futile. The power is returning to the people.

What is your interest in the Graphic-Products Industry?

In today’s world, artwork for most graphic products begins life as computer art. Some artists create and sell computer art for use on the web. Some create and sell physical products using their artwork, think t-shirts, mugs, awards, etc. Others create graphic products as a hobby or to help organizations to which they may belong.

 Manifesting – Creating – Your Future Life, Income Stream, and possibly a Business

You Have the POWER to Manifest anything! Last time we listed some things to consider. Here are a few more…

  1. Caution – Manifesting your wants through harming others often ends up in your being removed from society. Even if you seem to get away with it, you will experience a life review upon your transition off the planet (death). I have it on good authority, you will feel the pain or joy you have gifted others with your actions during your time on Earth.
  2. Don’t worry, be happy. All things work together for the good, even if we don’t see it at the time. Remember we always reap what we sow. Sow fear, reap fear. Sow love, reap love.

We will add more next time.

In Short

Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.

For 2023 and beyond, we pray for peace.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

Thank you, see you next time.

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