2022-11: Celebrating Love, Manifesting Art

By SJ (Santa John) McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an
opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes may impact the future.

Welcome to the season that celebrates Love!

What was that speeding holiday that flew by? Thanksgiving, you say. Well, SJ was fortunate enough to be able to celebrate his 80th Thanksgiving with family and friends.

The ability to freely meet with family and friends makes me (SJ) very thankful for the privilege of living in the USA even while it struggles to become a more perfect union.

Looking back over the past 80 Thanksgivings, the blessings and love I’ve experienced living this life are way too numerous to list. Hopefully you are having similar life experiences.

That said, there have been many moments of pain along my path. My mother, who was my guide for the first 17 years of my life, passed in 1960. That was extremely painful to a young man who was living with his stepfather and halfway through his junior year in high school. It hurt; I cried. I survived. I GREW!

More recently, 2019, I experienced the death of my first wife/life partner Judith. Some of you may have met her at one of our prior shows or seminars. This was another painful life-changing event for me.

These and other events helped me learn what the Buddha teaches – “Pain in life is inevitable, Suffering is Optional”. What that means to me is feel the pain, scream, yell, cry, (don’t hurt yourself or anyone else in the process). Let it all out, then let it go. Remaining fixed or focused on an event that caused the pain can be debilitating.

Furthermore, focusing on and fearing future painful events that have not yet occurred, can also be debilitating. And, be careful what you focus your attention on. Dreaming about something is how we manifest it into reality.

80 Thanksgivings ago, Thanksgiving 1943, we were in the middle of WWII and the future of the World was uncertain. Today, with the aid of technology, we see the futility of old men sending young men and women to die. Physical violence as a method of resolving disputes is obsolete. It’s time the autocrats realize that King-of-the-hill is no longer necessary. Humanity has outgrown the need for kings.

View from the Bridge is moving.

View from the Bridge will move to online along with many older CorelDRAW instruction videos. Many of those videos show graphic-product creation as well. Look for changes in the New Year. The Newsletter will continue. We are expanding content and hope to make it easily searchable.

SJ’s objective with “View from the Bridge” is to provide somewhat of an overview of what’s going on in the world while all of us are living through this Chinese Curse time, “May you live in interesting times”. In essence SJ hopes to provide a little calm through the storm as well as suggesting methods of manifesting a successful business or hobby in the graphic-products industry.

2023 Forecast

The political circus that we’ve experienced over the last few years is packing up and leaving town. Some of the performers have been jailed already; others will join them in prison this coming year. Indictments, arrests, and trials are coming next spring (2023) along with spring’s flowers.

“We the People” control will expand throughout the World. The Russian and Iranian peoples will receive the gift of democracy. Ukrainian peoples will retain their freedom and self-determination.

Try to keep in mind that all things work together for the good, even during the painful times. My mother’s passing in 1960 set me in search of my first life partner Judy. Judy’s passing in 2019 set me in search of my second life partner Holley, AKA GEM, Glenda Elizabeth McDaniel. Having the privilege of these ladies’ partnerships throughout my journey has been, and is, a blessing!

What is your interest in the Graphic-Products Industry?

First, realize that everyone on earth is an artist. How you dress, the clothing you wear, is art. A person’s makeup or lack of makeup is artwork. Many people decorate their bodies with tattoos, that’s artwork. How people decorate their vehicles, homes, landscaping, and so on, all works of art. Even the rusting hulk of an old machine is considered art by some.

One point to also realize is that everyone is also a salesperson, selling themselves or a product. Courting is selling yourself to a potential life partner. Interviewing for a job is selling yourself to a potential employer. Demonstrating products is a form of selling, and so on.

Throughout our selling careers Judy and I strived to treat people fairly, charged a fair price for our services, and above all made sure our product or service met the client’s needs. These principles helped us create a graphic products business in 1992 which has grown, and our son continues to successfully operate today. 

In today’s world, artwork for most graphic products begins life as computer art. Some artists create and sell computer art for use on the web. Some create and sell physical products using their artwork, think t-shirts, mugs, awards, etc. Others create graphic products as a hobby or to help organizations to which they may belong.

 Answering a couple of questions might help you evaluate your interest.

  1. Do I have any interest in creating digital art?
  2. Does my interest in digital art include producing products?
  3. Is my interest in creating personalized products for Fun or for Profit?
  4. What do I do, or does my business do? Are you an Artist or Commercial Artist?
  5. If I’m a commercial artist, who are my competitors?
  6. How do I intend to market my creations.

Manifesting – Creating – Your Future Life, Income Stream, and possibly a Business

You Have the POWER to Manifest anything! However, there are a few caveats to consider.

  • Transitioning from your current environment to the environment you are manifesting may take some time and effort. Finding a life partner, a suitable job, building a business, a home, etc., etc. will take some effort on your part.
  • Does it feel right? Take a little time to evaluate. Consider the advice of others, especially family.
  • Try before you buy, if possible. Sometimes this is possible when purchasing an existing business.
  • Don’t try to manifest the demise of a competitor. Remember, what goes around comes around.

We will add more next time.

In Short

Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.

For 2022 and beyond, we pray for peace.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

Thank you, see you next time.

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