2022-09: Emergency Alert–War, Voting, & Graphic Products

Santa-John’s View from the Bridge –
by Santa John McDaniel
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece which explores how political, societal, and other changes will impact the future. In these articles, we’ll suggest ways these changes apply to the Graphic-Products industry and small businesses in general.
Please keep in mind that all forecasts/predictions that follow are the opinions of Santa’s-Helper-John, aka Santa-John or simply SJ. Know that SJ gathers input from the news for current events and various other sources for looking ahead. Those other sources involve watching a lot of you-tube. 

Emergency Alert – Raise House Shields!!! – the super wealthy are at it again. Their addictions to money and power are reflected in their actions.

What are we talking about? OPEC Plus, is attempting to influence the midterm elections in the USA. Russia, Saudi Arabia, and others have chosen poorly.

They have chosen to reduce oil production to raise oil prices in an attempt to help Republic-ants win the House in November. Their hope is to delay the USA’s transition away from fossil fuels. Their goal is greed, keep the oil and money flowing. It will also come out that many in our Congress are owned by them.

The Kremlin’s goal is to generate revenue for the war in Ukraine. Russia’s current leader is focused on restoring the old Soviet Union and reacquiring the power Stalin seemingly had at the end of WWII. Power through fear. Fear is what most autocrats use to control their subjects.

The Response to their decision will accelerate their demise. The World is moving away from fossil fuels. The OPEC+ decision will increase prices at the pump. That price increase will reduce consumption, anger many around the World, and accelerate the transition away from their products.

And it’s very doubtful that their actions will achieve their objective of influencing mid-term elections in the US. issues that are more important than prices at the pump for many voters include Democracy vs Fascism – personal freedom to make life choices vs those on the religious right that believe they know better – the continuation and enhancement of Social Security vs privatizing Social Security.

Yes, inflation and the economy are a concern. Currently that’s a world-wide problem largely due to the COVID pandemic and Putin’s death-bed gift to the World. Give him credit, he has unified the World against dictators and shown everyone war is obsolete.


What the current Russian administration doesn’t seem to be aware of is the universal law that you can only harvest what you have planted. Sow a few small corn seeds and harvest a field of corn. Sow love, harvest love. Sow fear, harvest fear. Whatever you plant returns to you in abundance.

As with most World leaders who control their subjects with fear, they reap fear as their harvest. Russia’s current leader lives in fear of those around him. It’s a prison, a hell he constructed for himself, and it’s closing in on him. Sources indicate Vlad will be exiting stage right, in the near future.

If you follow the news, you might conclude that the former guy, the “Loser/Whiner in Chief”, #45, is also living in a prison of fear he constructed from planting fear of the others, i.e., racism, elitism, etc. Check it out – 45’s dad was a member of the Ku Klux Clan. What goes around comes around.

Warning – avoid Tribalism and Generalizations when it comes to casting your vote.

Please consider a candidate’s platform and character. Is this person truthful, or is it Liar, Liar, pants on fire?  Then, what are they planning to do for you and others? If you agree, give that person your vote.

Please don’t vote for someone who blames others for tough times. Fascism grows from blaming others for your hardships and convincing people that the Fascist leader (i.e., a Hitler want-to-be) is the only one who can solve your problem, sound familiar?

On the Pandemic Front

Our sources indicate that there are two more variants coming. One we are experiencing now, another next spring. After that, COVID will become endemic and may require an annual shot, similar to the annual influenza shot. For now, the recommendation is to get vaccinated and boosted.

On the War

Know – this war will pass, they all do – Ukraine will prevail – Putin will not survive – nuclear Armageddon will not occur.  

Politics – We The People

Let’s give those politicians who can’t do anything for common people their termination notices. Money is not evil but can be corrupting. Be sure to get out and vote this November. Let’s show them who has the real power!

What is your interest in the Graphic-Products Industry?

First, realize that everyone on earth is an artist. How you dress, the clothing you wear, is art. A person’s makeup or lack of makeup is artwork. Many people decorate their bodies with tattoos, that’s artwork. How people decorate their vehicles, homes, landscaping, and so on, all works of art. Even the rusting hulk of an old machine is considered art by some.

In today’s world, artwork for most graphic products begins life as computer art. Some artists create and sell computer art for use on the web. Some create and sell physical products using their artwork, think t-shirts, mugs, awards, etc. Others create graphic products as a hobby or to help organizations to which they may belong.

 Answering a couple of questions might help you evaluate your interest.

  1. Do I have any interest in creating digital art?
  2. Does my interest in digital art include producing products?
  3. Is my interest in creating personalized products for Fun or for Profit?
  4. What do I do, or does my business do? Are you an Artist or Commercial Artist?
  5. If I’m a commercial artist, who are my competitors?

Manifesting – Creating – Your Future Life, Income Stream, and possibly a Business

You Have the POWER to Manifest anything! However, there are a few caveats to consider.

  • Transitioning from your current environment to the environment you are manifesting may take some time and effort. Finding a life partner, a suitable job, building a business, a home, etc., etc. will take some effort on your part.
  • Does it feel right? Take a little time to evaluate. Consider the advice of others, especially family.
  • Try before you buy, if possible. Sometimes this is possible when purchasing an existing business.
  • Don’t try to manifest the demise of a competitor. Remember, what goes around comes around.

We will add more next time.

In Short

Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.

For 2022 and beyond, we pray for peace.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.

Thank you, see you next time.

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