The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece that explores how societal changes can/will impact the future, especially as these changes apply to the Graphic-Products industry and small businesses in general.
By the Santa John McDaniel
WOW! What a month! One might liken January 2021 to the grand-finale fireworks display as the circus-train-year 2020 leaves the city!
That said, now that the month of fireworks and distraction is done, it’s history. I choose not to waste energy re-living 2020. From time to time, I will be drawn back, as an observer, to learn. The only thing I can change about the past is my view of it.
So, I choose not to brag about my team’s wins “I told you so!” or cry about their losses “Cheaters!”. I simply desire to heal any divide that may exist between me, my family, and friends over politics. Let’s not all go “Hatfield and McCoy” over something that’s already decided.
Some might say “What about Justice?”. To that question I reply, “Define Justice.” And have you ever heard of Karma?”. Whatever you sow, so you shall reap. The Universe is a mirror. Whatever you focus your attention on, will be fed back to you, in SPADES. Focus on fear, you will find FEAR! Focus on love, you will find LOVE!
Some have also described the Universe as a boomerang; give love receive LOVE; cause fear and pain, receive fear and pain. Unless I am called upon to judge the actions of another, I will not bother (except for entertainment purposes).
The new administration is installed and seems to be working fine. I choose to let them lead.
Looking Ahead
Now that the country seems to be in good hands, we can focus on our (Glenda & John’s) future path.
As some of you may know, we have a house in Buckeye, Arizona, that will sell sometime in March and close sometime in April or May.
After the house in Buckeye closes, we’ll move to Oregon. Later this year we’ll start traveling. We intend to visit various tradeshows, fairs, and swap meets.
To assist in the move, we’ve decided to install a tow hitch on our Tesla Model 3, acquire a cargo trailer, outfit the trailer with shelving that will roll in and out.
We’ll use the trailer to move stuff from the house to storage, to the donation center, or the dump. After which we will use the trailer as a stock trailer for swap meets and a delivery trailer for local deliveries.
We intend to document and share each step along the way. This is our starting a new business.
Next step, Next time – installing the hitch on the Model 3.