The Santa John’s View from the Bridge – September 2020: The Evolving New Normal
The View from the Bridge is an opinion piece that explores how societal changes can/will impact the future, especially as these changes apply to the Graphic-Products industry and small businesses in general.
Economic Change is Coming…
Resistance is FUTILE
It’s Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Events over the past month have convinced us that the voters will definitely fire the current administration in November.

In addition, it’s becoming clear that many in Congress will also receive pink slips from the voters.
The new administration and Congress will be faced with the task of suppressing the virus and safely reopening schools and businesses. This will require overhauling healthcare and supplying economic support for everyone through the recovery.
It’s not yet clear how these policies will be implemented, but ultimately what will come is some form of (1) a single-payer healthcare system, and (2) a minimum basic income. We need both to save lives and the economy during this pandemic.
These policies will provide economic freedom — the freedom FDR envisioned that was to complete his New Deal. Without economic freedom, we are slaves to our jobs; and if we don’t have a job, we are at the mercy of others. Without economic freedom, we have little control over our lives.
As small-business owners, we should all look forward to a universal basic income and single-payer healthcare for all. These policies will allow small companies to compete with much larger companies for personnel. Employer- funded healthcare will become unnecessary. Compensation, i.e., pay, will become less important once basic needs are met through a minimum basic income.
During the many years that we have been self-employed, we’ve had several businesses. We transitioned from working for others, to working for others as independent contractors, and finally, to creating our own businesses.

One of our kiosks
We have had long-term (i.e., longer than 1 year) fixed location businesses– laundromats, vending-route locations, and gift stores. We had one gift store in a strip mall; we had another in an indoor mall. We have had businesses that marketed via hundreds of temporary venues– mall kiosks, car shows, boat shows, home shows, gun shows, RV shows, state fairs, county fairs, swap meets, etc.
There were many times we needed or could have used help. We are a family business. The kids all chipped in when they lived at home and could.
When we did hire help from outside the family, we could not provide healthcare and a living wage. We didn’t have the resources (1) to hire someone, (2) to pay them a living wage, and (3) to provide healthcare insurance while training them and waiting for their help to turn a profit.
In 2009 we had our last in-person seminars. The economic collapse of 2008-9 allowed us to move to online education and training.
New ACDRP Membership Program
Increasingly, the education and training function is being fulfilled by equipment and software manufacturers and distributors. So, we will be focusing on starting and growing a small business. To assist in that endeavor, we will be opening all our past issues and training videos to members. And membership will only require registration. More on this in the near future.
On the Road Again…
Sales, Sales, Sales, requires Marketing, Marketing, Marketing. Over the next few months, we intend to downsize to a mobile tiny home. Something we can tow with an electric vehicle.
Our goal is to travel and report on the post-pandemic entrepreneur economy. We intend to visit businesses, swap meets, manufacturers, and distributors; and then report back to our readers. Stay tuned.
Home/Business Opportunity for Sale
As a part of downsizing, we are placing our home/business up for sale. We purchased a single-story 2418 square foot house in Buckeye, Arizona, in 2010. We planned to setup a workshop in the garage and market product we produced via the Internet. We also set the garage up to be used as a classroom or Man/Woman cave. The garage is prepped for AC.
So, the garage adds 600 square feet of flex space. Space that can be used as a workshop, a classroom, a playroom, or a garage.
To this end, we carpeted and insulated the 600 sq ft garage. We added storage above the garage. Added insulation to the house. Installed 42 solar panels (owned, NOT rented). Our total electric bill for the last 8 years has been close to zero. Our electric deal with the electric company is grandfathered in and transferable to the new owner. Add battery storage to the system, and you may be able to go off grid.
Our solar panels face due south which provides maximum solar exposure. The DC to AC inverters are mounted out of the sun in the garage
We also added 20 amp, 30- and 50-amp circuits to the garage, along with an outside RV/electric vehicle plug. All electric work was permitted and approved.
Demo Equipment for Sale
Over the years we have accumulated some demo equipment we intend to liquidate. We had a 25-watt laser, that’s gone. We have a couple of sandblast cabinets, some heat-press equipment, a vacuum-table exposure unit, and a couple of air filters for laser engravers.
If you would like more information on the demo equipment or home/business property, please let me know. Simply email any questions to JHMcD1@Gmail.com.

Economic Change is Coming – Resistance is FUTILE
This too will pass – fasten your safety belts, don your masks, and enjoy the RIDE!
In Short
Thank you for your attention. Keep in mind that we don’t know what we don’t know. So, don’t take our word for it. Meditate and find what is right for you.
As we’ve said before, working from home may become the norm. Commuting to an office, not so much or so often. (great for reducing air pollution, not so great for oil producers and gas stations.)
The economic transformations COVID-19 has initiated will last long after the dis-ease is brought into balance (i.e., suppressed). We consider ourselves blessed to be here to witness and help in this transformation.
These changes will favor small businesses that work from home.
Next time – more on what is Money?
To contact John McDaniel, email JHM1@outlook.com